Spring in New Hampshire
Here are some pictures of Spring here..
A flower bed on the first day of Spring!
Daffodils poking through the last of the snow (April 11)
The same daffodils on May first
The flower bed (that was seen on the first day of Spring) on April 29. These are bulbs that were given out at Dan and Linda’s wedding.
Daffodils and Hyacinths April 29
More Daffodils April 29
More Daffodils May 3
Forsythia on the road in front of our place April 29. The neighbor’s house shows in the background, but the forsythia is on our property.
Fiddleheads in the Woods May 4. What looks like sticks on the ground are last year’s fern stalks.
More Fiddleheads. They will open into ferns and cover the forest floor
Our house from the woods May 4. It cannot be seen from here later when the trees leaf out.