Dick and Marjie's 50th Wedding Anniversary! October 22, 2004 |  |
Here are photos from our anniversary party held October 23, 2004 at the Reef Restaurant in Long Beach, California.
Marjie’s brother Don Rutherford took some of these photos. Son Dan took pictures and also hired a photographer.
Marjie and Dick Marjie and Dick again (the sun was very bright up on the roof!)Greeting guests: Leah Parks and MarjieMarjie and Esther Gilmore David helps Esther find her name tag; Dick, Jim and Shirley Herley in the background Dick greets Shirley and Jim Herley Jim Bekkedahl and Ted Rutherford chat Shirley Herley, Esther Gilmore and Jim Herley l to r: Barbara Rutherford, Dick, Buzz Frazer, John Moore Leah Parks, Burt and Beth Irwin David with his aunt Eunice Rutherford Bill Rowe and John MooreJohn and Marilyn Moore, Buzz Frazer Jack Thelander and Don Rutherford Enjoying the hor d'ouevresclockwise from 'noon': John Hodgkinson, Peter Miotto, Marjie, Eunice Rutherford, Ann Hodgkinson Long-time friends: Mary Blair, Dot Nicholson, Marge Bekkedahl, Mary White Some of the Douglas gang: Marjie, Ken and Dot Nicholson, Bud and Mary Blair, Jim and Marge Bekkedahl, Mary and Charlie White l to r: Bud Blair, Charlie White, Maxine and Bill Rowe l to r: David Morenus, Sandi and Hal Henry, Dan and Linda Morenus a family conclave? Susan Rutherford Grogan, Marjie, Don Rutherford, Dick, Linda and Dan Morenus, Stephen Rutherford Marjie's brothers Ray and Don Rutherford Carlyn Morenus and her aunt Eunice Rutherford Cousins David Morenus and Susan Rutherford Grogan l to r: David Morenus, Marjie, Virginia Lanthier, Betty and Marty Orgovan Marjie, Rose Marie Rutherford, Carlyn Betty Orgovan, Eunice Rutherford, Virginia Lanthier, Marty Orgovan Marjorie Morenus and Marge Bekkedahl Carlyn Morenus and Sharon Milkes Susan Grogan and Rose Marie Rutherford Marilyn Moore and Dick Morenus share a hug Dot Nicholson, Marjie, Ken Nicholson Anne Graves and Esther Gilmore More minglingStill more minglingDan in action Card table with wedding photo and recent photo of Marjie and Dick At the tables:
The room Marjie and DickTable 1 (clockwise from the empty chair): Nancy Kao, Hal Henry, Ann Hodgkinson, Jim Herley, Sandi Henry, John Hodgkinson, Shirley Herley, Deh-Liao Kao, Marjorie Morenus Table 1: Deh-Liao Kao, Dick and Marjorie Morenus, Nancy Kao Table 2: Clockwise from left Rose Marie Rutherford, Bill Rowe, Mary Blair, Roger , Andrea Conlver, Laura Rutherford (Ted's daughter), Don Rutherford, Maxine Rowe, Bud Blair Table 2: Roger and Andrea Roger, Bethann and Andrea Table 3: Eunice Rutherford, Marty and Betty Orgovan Table 3: (l to r) Ray Rutherford, Marge and Jim Bekkedahl, Eunice Rutherford, Marty and Betty Orgovan, Bob and Gillian Prodan Bob and Gillian Prodan Ray Rutherford, Marge and Jim Bekkedahl Table 4: Stephen Rutherford, Mary White, John Moore, Marilyn Moore, Charlie White, Dan Morenus, Sue Milkes, Norman Milkes, Buzz Frazer, Linda Morenus (back) Table 4: Marilyn Moore, Charlie White, Dan Morenus, Sue Milkes, Norman Milkes, Buzz Frazer Table 4: Buzz Frazer, Linda Morenus, Stephen Rutherford, Mary White, John Moore Table 5: Barbara Rutherford, Jack Thelander,Sadorus Lower, Ted Rutherford, Dot Nicholson, Bill Lower Table 5: Ken Nicholson, Barbara Rutherford, Jack Thelander, Sadorus Lower, Ted Rutherford, Bill LowerTed Rutherford Table-mates Leah Parks and Ken Nicholson Table 6: Stan Church, Dick, Anne Graves Table 6: Anne Graves, Maryann Bauer, Andy Bauer, Elise Church Lucy and Duane KusterDavid Morenus Elise and Stan Church Elise and Stan Church with their daughter Andrea Table 7: Burt Irwin, Sharon Milkes, Virginia Lanthier, Beth Irwin, Wes Able, Dawn Williams, Peter Miotto, Esther Gilmore, Fiorella Miotto, Carlyn's back Table 7: Burt Irwin, Sharon Milkes, Virginia Lanthier, Beth Irwin, Wes Able, Dawn Williams, Peter Miotto, Esther GilmorePeter and Fiorella Miotto Wes Able and Dawn Williams Speech! Speech!
David Toasting : One, Two, Three, Cheers! Dan and Linda clink glasses with Sue Milkes, Norman Milkes, Buzz Frazer Carlyn speaking Carlyn and Dan at the podium Dan has the mike Dick speaking More from Dick and one more Marjie speaking Marjie's brother Don provides some entertainment Well received brother Ray steps in brother Ted takes a turn Maxine Rowe takes the mike Bill Rowe takes a turn Jim Herley reminisces Jack Thelander speaks Carlyn returns to the mike brother Don gets the last word The Cake ceremony
The Anniversary cake (note photo of Marjie and Dick cutting their wedding cake!) A closer look at the beautiful cake Close-up of the cake Marjie and Dick prepare to cut the cake Dick makes sure it's done with mathematical accuracy! Marjie samples it first Dick likes it too! Looks like they enjoyed it! Family Photos
The Moreni: David, Dick, Marjie, Carlyn, Dan The Moreni: David, Dick, Marjie, Carlyn, Dan and Linda (Dan's wife) The Rutherford siblings: Ray, Marjie, Ted, Betty, Don The Rutherford siblings plus Dick Morenus: Ray, Dick, Marjie, Ted, Betty, Don The Rutherford siblings and spouses: Ray and Eunice Rutherford, Dick and Marjorie Morenus, Barbara and Ted Rutherford, Betty and Marty Orgovan, Rose Marie and Don Rutherford Rutherford Cousins: front: Carlyn, Susan, Laura, Virginia; rear: Stephen, Dan, David Rutherford Cousins: front: Carlyn, Susan, Laura, Virginia; rear: Stephen, Dan, David (another shot of the same group) The Rutherford Clan. front: Roger , Barbara Rutherford, Susan Grogan, Laura , Virginia Lanthier; standing: Ted Rutherford, Ray Rutherford, Dick Morenus, Eunice Rutherford, David Morenus, Marjorie Morenus, Linda Kao Morenus, Carlyn Morenus, Dan Morenus, Betty Orgovan, Marty Orgovan, Rose Marie Rutherford, Stephen Rutherford, Don Rutherford The Rutherford Clan including newest generation Bethann (hiding beside Roger) and Andrea Rose Dan's family: Dick, Marjie, Dan, Linda, Nancy Kao, Deh-Liao Kao Dan's family plus sister Carlyn Dan and Linda Kao Morenus, Nancy and Deh-Liao Kao Linda, Nancy and Deh-Liao Kao Dan and Linda Morenus Roger and daughter Andrea Rose sisters Bethann and Andrea Laura Rutherford and daughter Andrea Ted and Barbara Rutherford Virginia Lanthier, Betty and Marty Orgovan Betty and Marty Orgovan Susan Rutherford Grogan
On Friday October 22, the actual anniversary, Marjie and Dick were joined by their children David, Carlyn and Dan, and Dan’s wife Linda, for dinner at Parker’s Lighthouse restaurant in Long Beach. Dan and Linda did the photos.
Dick opening his anniversary gift from Marjie Dick showing off his beautiful new gold watch as Carlyn ooohhs and aahhs Dan and Linda at Friday’s dinner Marjie opening her gift from Dick Marjie continues to open her gift (it had a lot of packaging levels! It’s a beautiful new wedding ring! (After 50 years, she's entitled!) Dick and Marjie model their rings Dick and Marjie’s rings Carlyn at dinner on Friday eveningDavid arrives at dinner (his plane just got in) The happy couple – 50 years and counting! Linda (Dan’s wife) and Carlyn David and Dan David, Dan and Linda The Morenus Family: Carlyn, Dan, David; Dick and Marjorie Marjie’s niece Laura Rutherford was hostess for a family reunion following the anniversary party. Laura, her husband Roger and daughters Andrea and Bethann live in Fullerton. It was really super to have more time together to talk, sing together, play games etc. This special weekend was the most complete family gathering since 1970!!!
Bethann, Andrea, Carlyn, and Ray Dick's back, Dave, Don, Linda, and Dan Ready to play Demons: Laura, Carlyn, Dave, Susan, and Ted Dick, Marjie, and Dave Playing King of the Hill on the staircase: Carlyn chooses one or two coins King of the Hill: Dan wonders, "Which did she choose?" Andrea, Susan, Bethann and Dan playing - Laura either playing or watching Laura and Roger Laura, Roger, Carlyn, and Ted Linda, Dan, Dave, and Marjie Marjie, Dave, and Don Rose Marie, Barbara, Susan, and Eunice The boys singing: Ray, Dick, and Don More singing: Ted, Marjie, Ray, and Dick Ted, Virginia, Betty, and Marty Marjie’s sister Betty with husband Marty Orgavan Marjie’s niece Virginia Lanthier and Marjie’s brother Ted Virginia, Ted, Betty and Marty Marjie’s brother Ray Marjie’s brother and sister-in-law Don and Rose Marie Rutherford had a family party on Sunday at their house. (Some couldn’t make it, including David, Carlyn, Stephen, Linda, Barbara, and Laura's family, but those who were there had a wonderful time.)
Don and Rose’s dog Murphy
Ted, Dick, Marjie, Ray, and Eunice enjoyed sitting in "Don's Grotto" in the back yard One, Two, Three, Four
They were joined by Susan, Rose Marie, and Murphy: One, Two
We ate lunch on the patio.
Virginia, Eunice, Ted, Betty, Dick, Rose Marie, Marty, and Don Eunice, Marjie, Dick, Betty, Ray, Don, Ted, and Rose Marie Marty, Dan, and Rose Marie Don and Rose Marie Note the flowers and picture, decorations from the luncheon at the Reef the day before
We then gathered in the living room.
Dan, Marjie, Don, Ray, Eunice, and Dick Ted, Susan, Virginia, and Rose Marie Marjie and Ray at the old Edison phonograph (yes, it still plays!)
The Rutherford siblings reminisced about how every one of them got into trouble in school because they had been taught by their father to stand when Dixie was played or sung. Then Don played Dicie on the Edison phonograph and we all sang, with hands reverently over our hearts except Ted and Betty.
Singing Dixie: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Finally, two family groups:
Don, Marjie, Ray, Betty, and Ted Rose Marie and Eunice seated, Don, Marjie, Dick,Ray, Betty, Marty, and Ted standing Return to Dick and MarjorieMorenus' Home Page